Users create the task in the task folder of the shared mailbox and assign it to themselves and select the 'Keep an updated copy of this task on my task list' checkbox. I asked in /r/techsupport and got nothing. We have a shared mailbox in Outlook 2010 that we use to share/coordinate tasks on our team. Sorry if this is not the right place to ask this question. This makes me think it is some sort of Outlook/Sharepoint connection problem. She is able to access the document from the link in the email, and approve the task from inside the document, but not from Outlook. But I don't see anything that says the issue was unresolved when 2010 was released. Now, I've done my Google research on this issue, and it looks like there was a similar issue in Outlook 2007 (see: ). However, the To-Do Bar must be arranged by Start Date or Due Date to do this. You can drag an email message to the To-Do Bar. To do this, you can do one of several things. However, when she clicks the "Open this task." link, she gets THIS error: You can create a task from an email message, contact, calendar item, or a note. Here is what the top of her email looks like from the Outlook 2010 preview pane: However, I have a user who gets workflow task emails in Outlook, linked to documents in Sharepoint.

If there are any questions if a link would be considered spam, please use modmail prior to posting.įirst of all, I'm local desktop support for my company, and I don't really use Sharepoint much in my job. You must be an employee of the company hiring for the position.īlog spam must be accompanied by a real discussion. If you want to recruit, please contact the moderators first. With Outlook, you won’t have any excuses for missing a lunch date or forgetting a meeting. In the Open Shared Tasks dialog box, please click Name button. Enter the Tasks view by clicking Tasks in the Navigation Pane. At a glance, you can quickly see your agenda in daily, weekly, or monthly views. Open others shared tasks folder in Outlook 20 In Outlook 20, you can open others shared tasks folder as follows.

We all use 3rd party products and even Microsoft Partners at times - the moderators have no issues with recommendations in a thread where you believe the original poster could benefit. The Microsoft Outlook 2010 calendar simplifies the burden of keeping and maintaining a schedule of meetings, appointments, events, and tasks.
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